How to Wear Red Matte Lipstick

The red lippie is a classic! I love the bold look that red brings to any woman’s face, especially when you’ve found the right shade to match your skin tone. For paler skin, you will benefit from “cool” reds or those with blue undertones. If you have warm or olive and yellow-toned skin, you will rock the “warm” reds with orange undertones.

To make an even better impact with your red lips, why not try the matte look? Matte lipsticks lend a more casual look because they don’t have the usual shine or glitter. Spice up your everyday look by donning matte red lips! Here’s how:

How to Wear Red Matte Lipstick

  1. Make sure you slough off any dead skin from your lips. Do this right after showering. Take your toothbrush and run it over your lips, or use your towel to get all the dead skin off for a smooth canvas to work on.
  2. Choose a matte red lipstick that complements your skin color.
  3. Apply a moisturizing lip balm onto your lips. This helps avoid the caking effect that some women don’t like when they wear matte lipstick. Allow the lip balm to get absorbed a little into your lips before proceeding to the next step. If you don’t have time for this, just add a thin layer to kind of prime your lips.
  4. Choose a matching lip liner to line your lips. Trace the outline of your lips with your selected lip liner. This will help avoid feathering out or bleeding when you finally apply the color.
  5. Fill in your lips with the same lip liner once you’re done with the outline. This gives your matte red lipstick something to hold on to.
  6. I find that brushing on the color is the most effective way to apple matte lipstick for me—but you can do whichever method you are most comfortable with. Top off your filled in lips with your selected matte red lipstick. Make sure to fill it in evenly with the product.

And voila! You can now look chic and daring with your matte red lips!