With the arrival of winter our skin suffers from the changes in temperature and humidity. The cold weather in winter can damage our skin and make it look less attractive. Stand in front of the mirror and inspect your face. If this is what has happened to your face, don’t despair. We have a month ahead of us to perfect our skin before the “rigorous” spring arrives.

How to Prepare Your Skin for Spring


First of all, we need to get rid of the dead cells, which clog the pores of your skin not letting air and nutrient reach lower layers of your skin. Scrub your face and body in a gentle way so not to irritate it.


In general, showering longer than 15-20 minutes is not recommended as it may make skin drier and less elastic. The soaps we use every day and which contain alkaline, can dry our skin as well. Therefore, it’s best to use body products specially designed for your body. Today stores offer us a wide variety of cleaning products for our bodies, be they body washes, oils or butters to be used while taking shower.


Once we have cleaned our skin deeply, it’s time for moisturizing. Body oils and lotions rich in nutrients can act as moisturizers. It’s better to apply the product on slightly damp skin when the pores are still open. This will make the moisturizer penetrate deeper.

Drink Lots of Water

About the 60% of our body is water. The cleansing properties of water have long been proven. So don’t be surprised when we tell you that the more water you drink, the better your skin will look.

Take a Warm Bath

Sprinkle some baking soda, some drops of your favorite oil in the water, add a cup or two of milk and have some me-time soaking in heaven.

Let the sun warm you

Oh how much we miss you! We feel like the last time we saw the sun was ages ago. To be perfectly ready for spring, your skin needs those warming rays of the sun, which seem so far away now. But be careful to wear sunscreen and other sorts of protection when you go out under the sun.

As a conclusion we should say that the external appearance of your skin depends on the overall state of your body. In order for your skin to shine with a healthy glow, you should make sure you get enough sleep, keep a healthy diet and exercise.

See also: Beauty Uses of Cocoa Butter

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