Tea tree oil is an essential oil, which is extracted from a plant called Melaleuca that grows in Australia. It is very strong antiseptic (8 times stronger than carbolic acid and 12 times stronger than phenol), it can stimulate the immune system, restore the nervous system, etc. It has also been known for its beauty uses for centuries. Let’s explore some of them.

For acne

Benzoyl peroxide is probably the most common treatment for acne. Tea tree oil can be used as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide as it has bacteria-fighting and inflammation-reducing qualities.

Tea Tree Oil Beauty Uses

For nails

The oil is used to treat fungal infections of nails, as well as for restoring the damaged cuticle and strengthening the nails in general. Add some drops of tea tree oil to a container with water and let your hands rest in it for some 5-10 minutes.

For fungal infections, which can be caused by manicure tools, which have not been sanitized properly, smear your nails with tea tree oil a few times a day.

For muscles

Sometimes, when we haven’t been exercising for a while, even a 10-minute exercise can make us sore all over. Tea tree oil is used to treat those sore muscles of the body. Take a warm bath adding a half cup of Epsom salts and 10-15 drops of tea tree oil to water. Or you could just mix 10 drops of it with 2 tablespoons of olive or almond oil and massage your body.

For ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs are hair, which, instead of growing out of your skin, has grown back into it. To treat ingrown hairs, massage the affected area with a couple of drops of tea tree oil. This might not always work, but it’s certainly worth trying.

As a toothbrush cleaner

Being used once/twice a day, our toothbrushes clean our teeth but they also gain bacteria and germs which can be removed by some drops of tea tree oil. Make sure you rinse your toothbrush well before using it again, because tea tree oil is toxic.

For lice

Remember when you were a kid and your parents just couldn’t get rid of the lice? If you only knew! Tea tree oil is a perfect natural remedy against head lice. Apply the mixture of tablespoons of your favorite shampoo and 10 drops of tea tree oil to your/your child’s head, let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse it off.

For nasal congestion

If you have stuffed nose due to cold, flue or allergies, a few drops of tea tree oil can help you breathe freely again. You can either inhale hot water with some drops of tea tree oil in it or add some drops of it to a humidifier, if you own one.

The list can go on and on. The funny thing is it is believed that tea tree oil hasn’t been studied fully, that there are some other uses of tea tree oil, which are yet to be discovered!

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